Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bringing this back, I stand with blue.

I stepped away from this blog after going through a small bout of depression, then getting laid off from a job I had for 15 years.  Over the last year as I watched events unfold around the world, I realized that I need an outlet to put all of my thoughts somewhere other than in my head.  The same rules apply from my original post.  "This blog is a collection of my opinions and mine alone.  These opinions come from my personal interpretations of facts that I have read or personal experiences.  I do understand that some purported facts may be false, that is why I have put in my two cents.  I do not care if you agree or disagree with me.  I welcome constructive dialogue.  The problem with the world is that everyone thinks they are right and will not listen to what anyone else has to say.  I will listen and respond in the manner to which I am treated."  My welcome back blog is going to be my thoughts on our police departments.  I know this topic is controversial, but I don't care.  I support our law enforcement personnel.

There have been a lot of stories in the news about police brutality and police abusing their power.  I am curious why in our society we are quick to say only a small amount of Muslims are extremist, the rest of the followers of Mohammed should not be classified based on the actions of the few, yet we group all law enforcement as corrupt and abusive.  The former is true, a minimal amount of Muslims support terrorism, just like a minimal amount of police officers abuse there power.  Police officers who buy shoes for a homeless man or attend an autistic boys birthday party when no one else showed up are not newsworthy on a national scale.  Random acts of kindness displayed by police are local stories.  Stories of when a police officer, or multiple officers shoot a suspect or use excessive force are national headlines.  Police officers that are doing there job, whether it is issuing traffic citations, arresting criminals, or breaking up fights are vilified instead of people pointing out that they are just doing their job.

Are there bad police officers?  Yes, there are and they should be caught and prosecuted.  There are abusive people in every profession, granted it can be more deadly for an abusive police officer.  But to vilify the majority for the acts of the few is wrong.  To wage a "war" on the police by randomly attacking and killing police officers is wrong.  I am not African-American, I do not know what it is like to have decades of distrust in my community, my ethnicity has not been unfairly targeted, I know this.  I do know that there is distrust on both sides do to stupid stereotypes.  Not all African Americans are criminals, not all Italian Americans are mafia, and not all police officers systematically arrest or shoot people for no reason.  Towns and communities need to work together to eliminate stereotypes and distrust.  Leaders on both sides need to work together to build respect for all people, with the understanding that crimes will be investigated and prosecuted on both sides of the equation, and that the arrested do not need to fear for their lives.

I have police friends.  All of them would be the first to give you the shirt off of their back if you were in need.  They would rush in to a dangerous situation to save lives without regard for their own.  They would do all that is required of them and more, including laying down their own life to save an innocent.  I have friends married to police officers that dread the day that may come when there is a knock on their door informing them that their spouse was killed in the line of duty.  Police officers are just like you and me in many regards.  They have families, they like sports, or the theatre.  They worry how they are going o pay there bills or if their children did their homework.  The difference is they are charged with enforcing the law. 

Yes I stand with blue and I stand with equal justice.  I do sleep better at night knowing that there are police officers on the street keeping me safe.  Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion!