Friday, September 6, 2013

38 Years Later

This blog post is 38 years in the making.  A reflection as it were that comes from contemplation as a new era is about to start.  This blog post is along the lines of Jimmy Buffets A Pirate Looks at 40  or Billy Joel's "Keeping the Faith."  It will be nostalgic, it will be funny, it will be sad, but most importantly it will be full of hope.  Hope for what you may ask?  I do not know, it is different for everyone.
For those who know me, know that I am a bit of a Renaissance Man, a bit before my time and living in the wrong time period.  I am young at heart with memories as old as time.  I want to fly fighter planes but hate to fly.  I am a child at heart, but take myself too seriously.  I am the classic example of an enigma of a conundrum trapped in a labyrinth of complexity, yet I am so easy to read.  I  These ramblings you are about to read are some of the thoughts I have had as I approach my 38th birthday.
First and foremost, I think how lucky the world has been since I came into it.  Think of all of the things that happened since my birth.  Star Wars came out.  The Berlin Wall fell.  Communism is a dirty word we only reminisce about at parties.  JK Rowling brought us Harry Potter.  Ronald Reagan served as president of the United States.  We have seen our first female Supreme Court Justice and our first African American President.  The Space Shuttle launched, we have rebuilt from national tragedies.  We have cell phones, Cd's, DVDs, MP3 players.  Computers and the Internet keep us connected.  I buy stuff on Amazon and EBay and so do you!  Mickey Mouse still entertains.  Michael Jackson sang Thriller.  The New York Rangers won a Stanley Cup and the Mets have a World Series ring.  Ukraine is independent.  I know that there are many more, but the point is, I was born, these things happened, I do believe that there is a correlation.  Bad things have happened too since I was born.  Not my fault.  The world did not embrace the miracle that was my birth and use it as a chance to further humanity.  There is still time.
On a serious note.  I have suffered loss.  My Grandmother Anna Danyluk was the first of my grandparents to leave this world.  She helped raise me and my siblings.  She always had an ear to lend, a shoulder to cry on and a wooden spoon to keep you in line.  I learned the value of just 5 more minutes of nap time.  Next my Grandmother Marie Walls left us.  She always had a kind word and often sent it in a letter.  She is the only one I know who could have fit War and Peace on the front and back of one page.  I learned from her that family time is important.  My grandfather Lee Walls left this world next.  I learned from him how to hit a curve ball and to swim in the ocean.  He was an educator who taught me the value of knowledge.  Finally my grandfather Bohdan Danyluk retired from this world as well.  Here was a man of intelligence.  He was well read and collected everything.  I learned my work ethic from him.  Close friends have departed this world as well.  Bruce Witz, my scoutmaster of Troop 369.  You saw a wayward kid who hated his life, and turned him into a person of responsibility.  You treated me as a son and made me face the world as a man should.  Steve Ranjo, I don't even know what else I can say about you, other than I hope to be half the person you were.  Scott Rubin taught me to be whatever it is I am destined to be, but don't forget the kid that I was.  Jeff Cox, you and I were not close, we lived on the same floor my freshman year, we talked and we became part of a fraternity.  What I will say I have learned from you, is to not keep it all in and to find help when all I feel is despair.
On my 38th birthday, I do not have a wish to make when I blow out the candles.  I feel that I have been blessed more than I should have.  When I blow out the candles this year my wish is for my family and friends.
To Heidi, my wife, my wish to you is that you find happiness and friendships in others.  That we will grow old together and that you do not ever feel alone.
To Reagan, my daughter and the heir to the empire, my wish is that you grow up in a world that accepts others and that there is nothing to fear.  I hope that you reach for the stars and that you just dance.
To my sister Mary, her husband John, and my nephew and niece Brian and Sam, my wish for you is that you always stay as close as you are now.  Mary and John you have had a love that has weathered so much, and has lasted a long time.  Brian and Sam my wish is that you find what your parents have.
To my sister Tracey and her husband Carlo.  You have given so much of your self to your families over the years, my wish is that you can enjoy the love that you found in each other for years to come, and that someday soon, you will share that with your own family.
To my brother Chris, his fiance Helen, and Aydan and Aubri, and my soon to be born niece, my wish is that you continue to rebuild each other stronger after all of your tragedies.  You found each other when times were at their lowest and have built a home.
To my brother Taylor my wish for you is that you never lose your imagination and wonder that you had and that you continue to overcome your fears as you become the person you are going to be.
To my Mother, Barbara, you sacrificed so much for us.  My wish is that you have happiness and love in your life with family and friends as well as a Jets Super Bowl victory party.
To my father Dave and my stepmother Marty, my wish is that you can continue to enjoy your well earned retirement and always have just one more geocache to find, together.
To my Aunt Stephanie and Uncle John, my wish is not only for the Mets to win a World Series again, soon but to feel blessed and thankful that you are still together even though occupational tragedies almost kept you apart.
To my cousin Ryan, my wish for you is that you can be everything your parents wanted for you to be.  You are definitely on the right track.
To my Uncle Danny, my wish for you is that you continue to enjoy your life and that you surround yourself with people that share your sense of adventure so you can stay young at heart.
To my Uncle Doug, Aunt Anne, my cousins Kimrey, and Kiran.  It has been too long,  My wish is first that we see each other soon, but also that Kimrey and Kiran realize how special a place they have in your lives and why, and that they can share what you have shared with them to the whole world.
To my Uncle Don, Aunt Sophie, and cousins Elsa, Luke and Linnea, my wish for you is that you continue to find strength in family and that you continue to both mentor the youth and bring them closer to Jesus.
To Sarah Hays, the heart of the empire, my wish is that you embrace the love that you have found, and that you continue to better this world through your dedication to our most precious resources, our children.  To her girlfriend Constanza, my wish is that you are never deprived of Sarah, and that you and her can have a long happy life.
To Trey and Elizabeth Wiggs my wish is that you can be a role model of marriage for everybody in this world.  That you continue to be the defenders of the empire.  That others can learn from your loyalty and that you take solace in knowing that all of us are jealous of what you have, oh and that Liz gets to go to the race in Kentucky someday.
To Chad Wiggs, the sword of the empire, my wish is that you find what you want in life and never give up on the quest for knowledge, speed and intelligent life forms.  To your girlfriend and my friend Blashley, my wish for you is to find strength in what you do for a living and that it gives you hope that you are helping others.  Perhaps through you people will learn to pay it forward.
To Kyle Hayes, primus inter pares.  My wish is that you continue to be successful in all that you do and that you never lose that hunger.  To his girlfriend and my friend Joanne my wish is that as life evolves around you that you continue to embrace all it has to offer and that you see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time.
To Kay Alpert, the strength of the empire.  My wish for you is that you don't give up on your dreams.  You give so much of yourself to others, don't let that get in the way.
To Nick Saddlemire, the shield of the empire, you have always been a conscience, believe it or not and my wish for you is that you don't ever settle, don't sell yourself short.  To his girlfriend and my friend Ashley, my wish for you is that you continue to bleed your happiness into this world.  I may give you crap for it, but we need it.
To Mel Kepley, the soul of the empire.  My wish is that you find and hear Him.  He has plans for you, and I can't wait for you to see what I have seen.
To Rebecca and Brett Addy, protectors of the empire, my birthday wish for you is that you continue to find the fun in each others company that brought you to where you are today.  Your jobs show you the worst in humanity, i wish for you to find the best of it in each other.
To Jeanelle and Fred Leach, the foundation of the empire, as well as Madison and Jack, my birthday wish for you is that you continue to feed off of each other as you improve your lives and the lives of your kids.  You came together when there is no way you should have and developed a life together.
To Sophie Johnson, my wish is that you feel the love you have shared your entire life with family and friends.
To Jennifer Batts, my wish for you is that this next step is the first step on a long and wonderful journey.
To Cami Braccia, my birthday wish for you is that you find the love that you deserve because you have deemed it worthy.
To Stacey Munden my wish for you is that you never forget how awesome you truly are and that the world knows it as well.
To Dawn Locklear my birthday wish is that you continue to grow and evolve and realize that it is not that serious.
To Blair Lane my birthday wish is that you see the potential that I saw/see in you, that the woman you are meets the woman you are going to become, because you truly are going places.
To Stephanie Scheller, my birthday wish for you is that you never lose that sense of wonder.
To Charlotte Jones, my wish to you is that you don't give up, ever.
To Allison Adair, my birthday wish to you and your family, is that you continue to experience miracles everyday.
To Tiffany and Josh Boyd, my wish for you is that you continue to find joy in the little things in life and that you continue to walk the road together.
To Jen Lobur my wish for you is that you stay true to the path you set yourself on and that cheerful service to others becomes a part of that path.
To Jordan Hockaday, my birthday wish is that you find what ever it is you are searching for, it is there, just grab it.
To Tiffany Fitzgerald and family, my wish for you is that you never stop learning and you embrace experiences as they appear.
To Amy Coe, my wish for you is that you teach your daughter the importance of being unique.
To Jason Dinice my wish is that you always maintain your individuality when surrounded by conformists and that once you will stand in one place and dance knowing that no one in the world will ever relive that exact moment ever again in history.
To Cos my wish is that you realize what has been in front of you all along and that you recognize it for what it truly is.
To Mike D my wish is that once, you let your hair down.
To Jennifer Patterson, my wish to you is that the music never stops and that you shall be free to follow its sound.
To the Sandman my wish is that you smile at life and realize that it moves to quickly and that if you don't stop and look around once in awhile if will pass you by.
To Rebecca Winstead my wish is that no one ever puts the bird in a cage.
To Pat and Michael Hays, my birthday wish is that you are surrounded by your family and that you continue to draw strength from them.
To Jayni Desai, my birthday wish for you is that you truly save the world, one random act of kindness at a time.
To Dave Rangel, besides the obvious, my birthday wish for you is that you embrace second chances and that you continue to feel the love of family and friends and that you find that one special person that makes you better because they are around.
To Kyra Braun Spoto my wish for you is that you continue to grow into the woman Steve knew you would be.  That you never forget to ask yourself in times of trouble "What would Ranjo do?"
To Brittany Perry, my wish for you is that you never stop being who you are.  You are unique and special and my life is better because you had a roll in it.
To Brittany Joyner, my wish for you is that you continue to see the beauty in this world in only ways you can and that you embrace the simple things for the rest of your life as you do now.
To Rhiannon Blalock, my wish is that you experience everything the world has to offer and truly see it for the wonder it is while in the process sharing a piece of yourself with everything you come in contact with.
Jennifer Lobur, my wish for you is that you find the confidence to pursue your dreams, that you realize your own self worth.
To Jonah Womak, my wish is that you be who you are and that your darkest moments truly show you the promise that is your future.
To Patricia Corbin, my wish is that you find the happiness you have battled so hard for.
To Karen Diaz, my wish is that you never stop living for the moment, and that you know how important you are to so many people but that you realize how special you are to yourself.
To Jackie Chambliss, my wish for you is that you never stop inventing your own sign language on your quest to truly understand the brain.
To Julius Stukes, my wish is that you continue to exceed your expectations and never realize limitations.
To Kim Martin, my wish is that you never lose your sense of humor and that you can be a beacon in the night to those without hope.
To Nathan Weeks, my wish is that your eyes continue to be bigger than your stomach and that never lose that appetite.
To Joseph Beamon, my wish for you is not only that you and Sarah find happiness together but that there is no one deprived of the music of your voice.
My big brother David and his wife Janet, my wish is that you never forget what brought you together and that your humor spreads throughout the world.
To Karina Goicochea, my wish is that your girls realize your strengths and your sacrifices and that because of that they are better people.
To Travis Kornegay, my wish for you is that you never lose the desire to teach and impart valuable lessons.
To Surreyya Kornegay, my wish is that you continue to find strength in Jesus and that even though you do not know his plan, that you know better things are coming.
To Natalie Dupuy, my wish is that you find someone who is going to love you and your girls and that you will have the stability you always wanted.
To Scott Scheopf my wish is that you continue to see the joy in life through your nephew's eyes.
To Scott Witz and family, my birthday wish focus' on being able to share your father with your kids, and knowing that because of him, many people are better people.
To Mary Meyers, my wish is that you know how many classes of kids would not be who they are if not for you and that you get that love back from us 7 fold.
To Morgan Spivey, the hope of the empire, my wish for you is that you will have a long and happy life with your soon to be husband and that the only demands you put on your life are the demands of what you two want from life, not what others dictate.
To Jennifer Sayres, my wish is that when you have the desire to do something that you continue to drop everything to do it.
To Kat Kern, my wish is that your daughter keeps you young at heart and that you continue to run circles around everyone.
To anyone I did not specifically mention, my wish to you is long life, happiness and peace, for you to know the value of true friendship and that your families continue to feel the love you have to offer.
To George Lucas, that all can make a dream a reality, even if we must create our own worlds.
Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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