Saturday, August 31, 2013

From the Cradle to the Grave

Anthropologically speaking the Middle East from the Nile to the Euphrates has long been associated as the birth place of civilization.  The great ancient societies flourished in this area giving us many innovations still in use today,  The Egyptians, Phonecians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians all called this area home.  These great societies spread into Africa, Asia and Europe.  It was this same drive for exploration and invention that caused the settlements of the new world.  Humanity has matured and grown since these humble beginnings.  This same area could bring about the end of civilization.

The headlines are flooded with stories emerging from this area.  Civil wars in Egypt and Syria.  Terrorist Activity in Yemen.  The invasion of Iraq.  Israeli settlements on the West Bank.  Iran building nuclear reactors.  The list goes on.  Other issues that do not get as much press as it should include human rights violations, particularly against women, the treatment of religious minorities, and the lack of the lack of social programs.  Unfortunately to some these are Western views and may appear to make me look ignorant for not understanding the way of life that has been in existence for hundreds of years.

As we watch this are erupt we have also seen major international players take sides in these polarizing issues.  The Russians have backed the Syrian and Iranaian government since the days of the Soviet Union.  The US has backed the military of Egypt and the government in Saudi Arabia.  This area is very influential for its oil reserves and for transit through the Suez Canal.  If this area delves into chaos the backing of the superpowers may lead to an all out regional conflict.

On another hand should we get involved.  These are internal matters, it doesn't affect us.  Why does the US have to be the police man of the world.  In the case of Syria we are watching a regime use a weapon that not even Adolf Hitler would use in combat.  The international community, which banned these weapons, has an obligation to prevent their use, especially when these weapons are used on civilians.  In the absence of an international consensus a signatory of the treaty should act.  I don't believe in starting a war.  I do believe that the UN charter states certain rights that all people worldwide have.  The right to life is one of them.

It is these issues that could bring the end of civilaztion that had its birth in this volatile crossroads of the world.

Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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