Thursday, August 1, 2013

One vote for me....

"My representative voted for ObamaCare, (s)he needs to go!"  "Mine voted against gun control, (s)he needs to go."  "This one favors abortion, and more military spending, I am done."  "They just voted on a new pay raise, yet I don't have a job."  Any bar, office water cooler, or university library has echoed the sounds of such statements.  Many with more expletives and more passion then what I conveyed.  Many from the right, many from the left, but the chorus is still the same:  We are tired of bills that are passed, or not passed in Washington and in our state capitols.  We are tired of the bickering, we are tired of the lack of compromise, we are tired of CNN, FoxNews, et al for highlighting these problems.  When are we going to do something about it?

I am tired of the argument that my vote does not matter.  I am sure no one has won an election to the legislatures, presidency or governorships by just one vote.  Maybe in that regard your one vote does not matter.  It is a collective effort that has put all of these knuckleheads in office.  We live a a representative democracy where we elect people to represent us and to vote for our values.  This is increasingly not the case.  It doesn't matter if one is a Democrat, a Republican or whatever.  We just don't agree with the people we elect.

We elect them because they are better than the alternative.  We elect them because that is who we are used to voting for.  How many times has a dead guy been elected?  We elect them because no one is running against them.  How about we don't.  In the primary lets vote against the incumbent.  Let's make this election the one in which we enact our own term limits and vote every incumbent out of office by voting for their primary opponent.  That way Democrats can still vote for their party, Republicans theirs.

Even better, lets start our own revolution that will entirely ensure that we vote for the person who best represents our beliefs.  Let us vote for ourselves.  Can we do that?  Why not?  Let us all write in ourselves.  Let us vote for John Walls, or Mary Smith, Thomas Johnson, Lindsay Lohan.  Vote your name.  Get elected.  Pass your ideas.  Be a part of the solution.  How cool would it be to walk down the street with your own campaign button on, interacting with your friends with their own on.  Nothing in the Constitution says we can't.  Lets send a message.

Love me, hate me everybody is entitled to my opinion!

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