Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Fair Share

My friend Trey and I do not often agree on anything politically.  We do tend to agree on social issues like marriage being open to all people.  I often have to skip his posts on my Facebook newsfeed due to his mistaken belief in St. Obama's politics.  It struck me as funny yesterday when he posted about the House of Representatives slashing $20 billion in food stamp money while India added $20 billion to aid people with the next post by an acquaintance saying that they needed more food stamps from whoever had extra.  I immediately sent this to Trey.  Our conversation was cordial as always, but his tone changes a little.  We have another mutual friend that is also on food stamps.  She is a single mother of two beautiful girls and she works two jobs.  She needs the food stamps to help make ends meet.  This other person, had a good job and walked away from it because she got written up for not showing up for a shift.  She is still supporting her 20 year old son and will not make him get a job.  She figured out a way to use her food stamp money to get cigarettes and beer.  What we have here is a case of one person, making the other look bad.

There is an obligation of the state to assist the less fortunate where applicable.  For my conservative friends who disagree because the Constitution doesn't say they should, I agree, it doesn't.  On the other hand what kind of government, or people would we be if we did not assist the less fortunate when we could, especially if we have the means.  I am not saying that the government should by their houses or car, but where we can assist with feeding we should.  Many kids are only guaranteed the meal they get at school.  That means no breakfast, no dinner, and nothing on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.

On the other hand, I remember a time just after my daughter was born when my wife and I had no money for anything.  I would skip the meal I was given at work to bring home to my wife.  My daughter always had food, clothing and a roof over her head.  It was difficult to take care of 3 people on $9 an hour especially when I was getting less than 30 hours a week.  No one would hire my wife because of her availability due to my work schedule.  We did not qualify for any assistance because I "made too much."  I often find myself lacking the compassion to care about someone else since i pulled through on my own.  I ask myself why can't someone else work and find the means.

Here is where I conflict, I watch my one friend doing everything right.  One good thing is that her daughters are now in school, that means she will be spending less on child care.  To my knowledge she is not spending money on things that are non-essential, she does not drink or smoke.  She truly needs this to survive.  I look at the other person and think she could be doing more.  I am also angered that this person is treating food stamps like they are baseball cards.  Here is the deal, you were allotted a certain dollar figure, others were allotted a dollar figure.  They are to be used exclusively by the family they were allotted to.

I know that this problem may be a minority but the news likes to twist things.  There are often reports of fraud, drug use and uncontrolled reproduction leading to more mouths to feed.  This is not exclusive to any ethnic group, it transcends all.  My gut instinct is to require drug testing, birth control, and community service in exchange for these benefits.  Unfortunately the media does not show those hard working people who need a little boost to make there dollars stretch a little further, so it is easy to see why my approach is the way it is.  Fortunately I have known a number of people who are on them, but are working there ass off trying to make their situation better.  I am not sure if mandatory drug testing and birth control are the answer, but community service certainly could be something.  Think about this, it could be a simple as volunteering at your kids school.  Can you imagine the benefits of having parents involved with their kids schools?  Clean a park, assist at the library.  The possibilities are endless!

Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion!