Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mr. Walls Goes to Washington

(Disclaimer, this story is fictional surrounded facts)

The government is shut down, thousands of families are disappointed they can't get into a national park, thousands of people are furloughed, veterans can't get their benefits and I am pissed.  How hard is it to fund the government?  I know that there is millions of working pieces that need to be taken into account from repair allocations all the way up to debt payments, but come on really?

I am going up there to figure this out.  On the drive to DC I think of the many different aspects of the government that need to be funded, defense, education, NASA, etc.  There are alot of things to consider, and unfortunately we are relying on 536 people to make all of this happen.  536 out of 300 million. A percentage so negligible yet so powerful.  Some people blame the President, some blame Republican lawmakers, and others blame Democratic lawmakers.  I blame them all.  I blame the 300 million.

I arrive in DC and I gather the President and all of the Senators and Congressmen for a joint session.  I immediately have the doors locked and the AC cut off.  Why you ask, simple.  The Constitutional Convention took place during the summer in Philadelphia.  When things got of track, General (retired) Washington ordered the doors locked and windows closed until and impasse was reached.  Maybe not the best solution, but effective.  Everyone is seated looking at one another wondering what is going on.  I like to make an entrance so I descend from the ceiling like Tom Cruise in Mission:Impossible.  I get the desired affect as silence encompasses the gathered and all eyes turn to me.  I approach the Speakers chair and take the gavel.  I approach the podium and lock eyes on everyone in the room.

"My name is John Walls.  I am an American.  You ladies and gentlemen were sent here to do a job, and you are not getting it done.  I have ordered the doors locked and the AC turned off.  It is about to get hot and stinky in here from the smell of sweat that permeates the room, but we got stuff to do.  Why am I doing this you ask yourself, here are some answers to sum it up.  I am doing this for Johnny and Suzy Smith whose parents tried to take them to the Statue of Liberty on a rare day off they have together because both parents are working to pay the bills, just to find out the ferry isn't running today.  I am doing this for Mrs. Johnson who is furloughed from her administrative assistant’s job at the Department of Agriculture because her job is non-essential.  I am doing this for Lance Corporal Rodriguez who needs pain medication from having his leg blown off in Iraq and he can't get into the VA hospital.  I am doing this for me because I have been blinded from seeing how petty politics are because of my belief that I live in the greatest country in all the world.  I am going to spell some things out for you that may seem harsh, but you need to hear it.  Some time’s tough love is the best love.

To start with, Mr. President, you and I do not agree on a lot of issues, but that is to be expected.  One thing that we can agree on is that you are the President of the United States!  Your position is bigger than you as an individual are.  You are a symbol, and no not that logo of yours.  Your position is the embodiment of everything we as Americans believe in.  You are the elected heir of the greats like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelt’s and Reagan.  You need to lead.  There is no time for indecision.  Leadership is about convincing others that your ideas are the best.  As a leader myself the one lesson that was the hardest to learn, sometimes you need to compromise for the greater good.  I understand your point on enacting the Healthcare Law on time.  Great make that issue non-negotiable, but in return agree to cut spending from somewhere like government agencies hosting these elaborate conferences in Vegas and Hawaii.  I'm just saying every yin needs a yang.   The bottom line though is you need to be respected by both friends and enemies.

To Republican lawmakers, you and I agree on a lot of issues.  But for the love of all things good, have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!  I am a Republican.  I even named my daughter after Ronald Reagan.  I agree with you that government has gotten big and we waste a lot of money.  On the other hand, the Supreme Court has already ruled that abortions are legal.  They have already ruled Obamacare is constitutional.  Quit trying to fight it.  Accept it, or change it.  You guys have the opportunity to expand a bad law.  Allow for drug imports that meet FDA requirements, cap malpractice suits, truly make healthcare affordable.  I can buy a box of Band-Aids at Wal-Mart for $3.  Why is the doctor charging me $28 for one.  Let's worry about high oil prices, making sure our military are living above the poverty line, find a cure for cancer.

To the Democratic lawmakers, you and I rarely agree on anything, but seriously, just because it moves, doesn't move, should move, won't move, does not mean you need to fund it.  I mean really, not every kid deserves a trophy.  People need to have some accountability for the decisions they make in life.  We need to look out for those that truly can not, like children.  We do not need to use welfare like it is a job opportunity.  Grow some balls and tell people to act like adults.  If they can not take the initiative to take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of them you can not hold their hand.  Focus your attention on clearing out some of the backlog at these agencies to get help to those that truly need it.

To those "independent" Senators and Congressmen.  Your not independent if you vote for the same thing with the same group of people.  Dumbasses.

To the Tea Partier's, the party is over.  You got elected on promises to do things to control government spending.  You are costing so much more money by grandstanding.  Either do something or get out of the limelight.

To the 300 million.  You spend more time deciding who you are going to vote for on American Idol and Dancing with the Stars then you do researching who to send to Washington.  Would it help if we put it on TV and allowed you to eliminate contestants weekly.  I mean get your shit together.  All you do is sit and whine about how all of this is unfair, these people in Washington suck, etc.  Do something about it.

So here's the deal, you are going to pass a budget, your going to reopen the parks, you’re going to put people back to work, veterans will be taken care of.  You are going to pass a balanced budget amendment, you are also going to pass an amendment that takes away your salary in the event of a government shutdown.  All of this is going to happen or the doors will remain locked.  I will have food and water sent in, and we will set up pots to piss in, but this is happening.  We deserve better than what you have given us."

Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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