Friday, November 22, 2013

A Specialty

My friend Camille posted on Facebook not too long ago, if someone is thought to be special by a big group of people what is it that makes that person so special?  That is a very interesting question.  We all have friends, we all belong to groups of friends, and there is always that one person in the bunch that everyone seems to flock to.  We see it in the work place, in our families and in our social interactions.  I have been giving this a lot of thought as of late and I think that there are some characteristics that we may be able to agree on.

I think the first quality is that they are a friend.  It is someone that always seems to be there when you need them whether it is to help you move into a new home, or sits up and talks to you all night when you break up with your significant other, stops you from doing something stupid.  It is that person that no matter what time or distance seperates you always makes time for you no matter what you need.

I think the next quality is that it is someone who makes you laugh.  No one likes to be around angry people.  This person has a definite sense of humor.  They have a well timed joke, a laugh that makes you feel good and can definitely laugh at there own expense.  The humor is not malicious at all.

The next quality is loyalty.  This is a person who will not abandon you when things are at there worse.  When all the world turns against you that person is there next to you.  The loyalty is not blind, they will also be the first person to tell you that you are wrong or screwed up.

Finally I think that what makes a person special to a group of people is that they make you feel good about yourself.  Through their freindship and/or guidance you discover things about yourself, test and surpass your limitations, and helps you discover things about yourslef.

These are of course my opinions, but I think what makes a person special to a group of people is that person represents that best in you.  Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion!

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