Thursday, December 19, 2013


This is going to be more of a rant than anything else.  I am so tired of the American Civil Liberties Union.  Do not get me wrong, I believe that our civil liberties need to be protected.  I believe organizations such as the ACLU do just that.  Perhaps its not the ACLU I am mad at in general, but with organizations like them as a whole whose face I see as the ACLU.  I don't know, but this time of year really gets me going!

This is the holiday season for many faiths and cultures.  For Christians its Christmas, for Jews its Chanukkah, for African-Americans its Kwanzaa, pagans get winter solstice, Festivus or Yule.  The list goes on and on.  Why is it wrong to decorate for these holidays?  I understand that Christmas and Channukah are more popular in public decorations, but lets face it, they are celebrated by the majority of people in the United States.  Some see them as religious holidays, others see them as family holidays.  There is no difference putting up a Nativity scene, to setting out a menorah, or setting up a Christmas tree.  They are symbols of the holiday.  Why can't a government put them on their property?  Some of you will say that there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state.  I am familiar with the First Amendment.  Freedom of religion is designed so that any one can practice any religion they want.  It prevents the government from saying "You must be a member of whatever religion I deem appropriate."  It was a response to Great Britain requiring all of its citizens to be members of the Church of England during colonial times.  Last I checked there was no such law requiring any such membership in the United States.  I argue that not allowing such displays violates the freedom of speech provision of the First Amendment!

It has gotten to the point in this country that it is politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas during the holidays or God bless you after someone sneezes.  If someone wants to get offended that I said this so be it.  I believe however that the majority of the population understands that it is not an attempt at discrimination or for me to force my beliefs on anybody, rather it is an attempt to communicate good will.  If I should have wished you a Happy Chanukkah instead, please tell me and I will rephrase.  If you don't want me to say anything than tell me and I won't.  I work with a guy who does not believe in saying God bless you after he sneezes, he informed me, now I don't say it to him.  he was greatful that I used my manners, and I was greatful he used his.  It was about courtesy and that was all.  I am going to continue to put out my Nativity scene, I will say merry Christmas rather than Happy Holidays and I will support any government institution that wants to put out a menorah instead of a Christmas tree because it is the intent of the action that means to promote good will.

Love me, hate me, everyone is entitled to my opinion!

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